
Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Fetch data from database in PHP and display in PDF By FPDF

 In this article, you will learn how to fetch data from database and display in PDF using PHP FPDF library.

Today, document security is the most important concern for sharing information over the web. The PDF is the read only document that cannot be altered by users until they have right electronic impression. By utilizing PDF, the associations can put username password on a PDF level to secure document information. There is also demand for producing PDF dynamically increased by the associations, like - generating invoice, salary receipt, visiting card, etc. on single click.

There are several PHP libraries available to generate PDF. In this article, we are using 'FPDF' to generate PDF. F from FPDF stands for Free. This PHP library is used to generate PDF from UTF-8 encoded HTML. The FPDF contains high level functions and rich in features like - image support, color support, page compression, automatic page break and link break. This library supports from PHP version 5.1.

These are the steps to generate PDF to fetch data from database in PHP -

Download FPDF

Download the latest version of the FPDF library from its official website -

FPDF Library

Extract the zip file in your project directory.

Now, let's create a main PHP file 'index.php', that we will call on the browser. At the top of this page, include the FPDF library file -


Make Database Connection

Make sure to provide the right fpdf.php path on your main php file. After this, write the database connection code and make sure to replace 'hostname', 'username', 'password' and 'database' with your database credentials and name.

// Database Connection 
$conn = new mysqli('hostname', 'username', 'password', 'database');
//Check for connection error
  die("Error in DB connection: ".$conn->connect_errno." : ".$conn->connect_error);    

FPDF Class

Next, instantiate the fpdf class -

$pdf = new FPDF();

The FPDF library has many pre-defined methods, we have used these methods among them -

AddPage() - To add a new page.
SetFont() - To set font.
Cell() - To print a cell.
Ln() - Line break.

Complete Code: index.php

Here, we have merged all codes that explained in details above to generate PDF using PHP FPDF library.

// Database Connection 
$conn = new mysqli('localhost', 'root', '', 'company');
//Check for connection error
  die("Error in DB connection: ".$conn->connect_errno." : ".$conn->connect_error);    
// Select data from MySQL database
$select = "SELECT * FROM `empdata` ORDER BY id";
$result = $conn->query($select);
$pdf = new FPDF();
while($row = $result->fetch_object()){
  $id = $row->id;
  $name = $row->name;
  $address = $row->address;
  $phone = $row->phone;

When, you will call this on the browser, it will look something like this -

PHP generate pdf using fPDF

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